Wednesday, January 1, 2020

2.1 - Destination Wedding

Welcome back! Last time Oliver grew up into a young adult. Here is his snazzy new look. As you can see, he is pretty jacked from all his time working out. Dang athletic sims. I wish I had the athletic trait! :P 

His girlfriend Annis really likes his new look too. I decided to throw her a birthday the same day since she was still a teen. 

As per the rules, Oliver has to move out and make his own way in the world but not before he joined the sports career, because of course he wants to be a superstar athlete. 

Our first ghostly appearance of the legacy! Welcome back, Tom. :) 

Also, I forget who made the evil snowman back there right next to his grave. O_o 

There was a sweet reunion between Ivy and Tom. Not even the veil of death can keep them apart! 

Or maybe not. Poor Ivy got rejected by Tom for a little ghostly woohoo. Poor Ivy. :( Tom, quit being such a jerk. 

Logan went to prom with Anwyn, and I always find this pose to be hilarious. He was not crowned prom king however. 

This picture is only here to signify that Ivy is now the Leader of the Free World! :D She has a snazzy cane to go with her illustrious new position. 

Time for the baby and heir of generation 2 to become a young man! Of course Anwyn was invited as well. 

Not much changed. He is still really cute. 

He immediately proposes to Anwyn in order to seal the deal. Poor Anwyn really doesn't know what she's getting into, being a legacy spouse. 

Logan graduated. I forget what his classmates voted him most likely to be. 

Anywn was voted most likely to get rich though, and I hope that's true, especially with this generation's roll! 

I really love this hairstyle on her. It's adorable. 

Speaking of the Haven the Resplendent, Riverview's latest and greatest magician!

Unfortunately, she sucks at first...and for quite a while after that, lol. 

But the magician costumes are adorable at least. :) 

Logan is supposed to be an explorer and/or scuba diver. However, Riverview is not exactly conducive to scuba diving, lol. Logan decides to practice his snorkeling skills in the river though. I really hope that's hygienic! 

What's this? It's a wedding! At an actual community lot and everything. So Riverview has the Gazebo, and it's legit perfect for weddings once you throw up an arch and a cake. 

The lovely couple bustin' some moves. 

Logan whips out his guitar to provide a little free entertainment. Guitar will be his hobby for the hobby or obsession generational goal. 

Logan and Anwyn get down on the dance floor again, slowly this time. 

Ivy couldn't be more proud...or starving.

Even though both Luna and Oliver have partners, neither one of them ever gets married or has children (and I do have SP installed, the extended family got super busy but not Luna or Oliver, alas). 

Yeah, I really love having weddings here. Maybe this will become a Marsh family tradition, at least for all the couples. 

Also, I love how a random pizza girl showed up. Way to crash the party. 

Oliver can't handle the cuteness either. 

More dancing was had by all. Oliver is dancing with some lady named Iona I think. The lady with the pink shirt is elderly Heather Crosby. 

Anwyn: "I hope we never, ever fight."

Logan: "I hope we don't go broke as a starving artist magician and landlocked scuba diver."

And that's where I'll leave the Marshes for now. :)

1 comment:

  1. "Haven the Resplendent" and her River Monster, lol. I'm looking forward to this gen.
