Wednesday, January 1, 2020

2.3 - Don't Stop Believing

 Welcome back to the Marsh Random Legacy. I present you with a picture of toddlers being adorable.

They couldn't look more different, but they are both adorable and 100% sisters. 

Anna grew up into a cute child who is now also family-oriented. Seriously, she keeps getting the best traits.

I always randomize traits if you hadn't noticed by now. I think it's more realistic that way, and it tends to produce some interesting personalities. never had a laptop when you were alive. Where in the plumbob did you get that thing?

The afterlife has a lot of perks apparently.

Tried to get a good family dinner photo, but Anwyn inhaled her food too fast. 

Time for another birthday!

Also, where the heck did I get that creepy ass painting? Someone must've given it to the family. No way would I have bought that. 

And she grows up cross-eyed (and neat). Ladies and gentleman, your future heir. 

There. That's a slightly better family dinner photo. Just in time too. 

Between scuba diving and magic making, there wasn't a lot else going on so Anna grew up into a gorgeous teen. I've never used this hair before, but I think it looks really good on her.

Anna now loves the heat. 

Too bad it's winter, but here is a nice picture from the winter festival. :) 

Logan became a mature adult and decided to grow out his facial hair a little bit. 

Again, not a lot happened except me feverishly trying to keep the family in money so Sarah grew up into a teen as well.

She looks a LOT like her mom. I think her face is a bit rounder though, and her hair color is different. 

Sarah decided to copy her sister so she loves the heat too. 

 Like uncle, like niece. This family really loves that prom pose.

Anna was popular enough to snag the title of Prom Queen. 

With only two kids this gen, it was really easy to give them their own rooms, even being so broke for a while. For reference on how broke they came, I actually worried for a while how they would pay their bills and not have the repo person come. 

Anyway, this is Sarah's room. She's got her movie posters and her makeup.  

This brighter, sunnier room that's good for studying and doing homework is Anna's. 

Both Logan and Anwyn went into midlife crises when they came mature adults. Anwyn decided to get a tattoo to make herself feel younger again. 

Due to an Isla Paradiso traveling glitch, Logan's midlife crisis resolved saying he didn't complete any wishes, but he actually completed 4! So he didn't end up getting the 10 day moodlet boost, but Anwyn did get it. 

Here's her new tattoo. By the way, Anwyn is way more successful at winning Sim Fests than she is at most of her actual gigs. Too bad the Sim Fests don't pay as much. 

Anwyn: "I hate being old."

You're not old. Quit being so sad. At least you guys aren't struggling to pay the bills as much anymore. Around rank 6 or so, Anwyn finally started to get a lot better at magician gigs. 

Anwyn: "Who is this rando? I don't like his creepy smile." 

Tyrone here became Sarah's romantic interest during prom, but he's already grown up into a young adult so the most they can do on Love Day is dance. 

Even though he's a lot older, he may be a serious contender as a mate due to genetic diversity. I don't like my sims all looking the same.

I haven't shown it much, but these two are still very much in love and they are autonomously romantic all the time. <3 

With treasures from Isla Paradiso and Anwyn finally getting better at being a magician, the family had enough funds for me to expand the house a bit. 

This is the first floor. Clockwise from left: skilling room, garage, living and dining room, kitchen, and bathroom. 

 And here is the second floor!

Clockwise from top left: nursery, master bedroom, master bathroom, Anna's room, Sarah's room, bathroom, elder bedroom, spare room, and spare room. 

Some of the rooms are a lot smaller. They'll be reserved for elders and the youngest spawn, haha.

Just a picture of the teens. Anna is always reading even though she's not a bookworm. Being a genius, she loves to learn. 

Sarah is dramatic enough to wear face paint to bed. I don't know where it came from actually. Clearly, she has a mind of her own. 

Aww, look at the cute sims singing karaoke, and...holy cow that's Luna! She's an elder now. She's wearing her scrubs from the hospital. After the first incident, she managed to stay in that career path and is now a neurosurgeon. Good for you, Luna. :) 

Luna: "Don't stop...BELIEVING!"

Logan: "Boo, you suck!"

Jeez, Logan, that's your sister. You don't have to be so rude. 

Anyway, that is where I'll end things for now. The next chapter should be the start of generation 3 taking over. :)

2.2 - Magical Mayhem

 Welcome back to the Marsh Random Legacy. 

Logan: "Why DID the chicken cross the road?"

Our heir spends a lot of his time brooding, contemplating life's greatest questions.

When he's not brooding, he and Anwyn are pretty inseparable. The couple that games together stays together. :) 

Ivy: "Where did this come from?"

Logan: "I adopted her. Her name is Anna." *stares broodingly out the window*

Ivy: "My first grandbaby!"

Anna Marsh is the first member of generation 3! She is a friendly genius whose star sign is Libra. Her faves are digitunes, porcini risotto, and the color grey. Very fancy. :)

Note: Anna isn't eligible to become heir since she is adopted. 

Just because she was adopted doesn't mean she isn't 100% a Marsh though. Anwyn in particular loves rocking the nooboo in the tackily colored nursery (I'm not the world's greatest interior designer). 

Logan and Anwyn soon find themselves expecting a biological child as well. It was at this point that I realized I could make this legacy an actual plotty story if I really wanted to, especially with some things that spontaneously happened later in the game, but I know that writing such stories always slows me down, and I end up never finishing the actual legacy. 

So anyway feel free to imagine a dramatic storyline behind some of the events that happen in the legacy. :D 

NO! Seriously, this isn't cool. Tom lived to be 102, and poor Ivy here only made it to 92. :( 

Logan: "It's a wonderful day in the...oh my plumbob, Mom?!"

Ivy actually completed her LTW so her tombstone is the big fancy one. 

Comparison time between Sims 3 and Sims 4. I much prefer how pregnant sims look in the Sims 3. I think the sims get too cartoonishly big in 4. 

Ivy: "At least I got to meet my first grandchild while still alive!" 

Aww, Anna is a little cutie. And she's got some great traits too. I wonder if most adopted children start out with excellent traits to make up for the fact that they were living in the Sims version of foster care. 

Why are you freaking out, Ivy? You've done this yourself 3 times. 

Logan: "The miracle of life is so...mysterious." 

Stop brooding for half a second and take your wife to the hospital, lol. 

It's another baby girl! Meet Sarah Marsh. She is a Taurus who is Evil and Eccentric. Oh boy. Her faves are pop music, vegetarian salmon, and very appropriately, the color black. 

I never get to say this so early, but she is also the generation 3 heir! The roll for generation 2 was actually to have only 1 child, but the roll was also mixed couple so one adopted and one bio child, and so here we are. :) 

Also, I like to believe that Anwyn's eyes are glowing red, because she knows she just created an evil monster. >:) 

Logan: "This isn't Riverview."

Nope. Welcome to Isla Paradiso, courtesy of the Nraas Traveler mod. I decided I'd rather have Logan be a scuba diver than an explorer (where he'd have to go to the World Adventures locations), and the only way to do that was to travel to Isla Paradiso or build my own dive locations in Riverview, which, lol, was not happening. 

The Traveler mod is great, but let's just say you definitely want to have Error Trap as well and Overwatch, because the game was not meant to work like this, and it can start to get glitchy as hell. For example, the last few times I've sent Logan to Isla Paradiso, he keeps getting ripped off one whole travel day. His wishes also sometimes completely disappear traveling between worlds. 

So I've never played with Isla Paradiso before, and I love it! It's such a beautiful world. Also, watch your back, Logan.

Logan: "Why do I feel like I'm being watched?" 


All the shinies will be ours! :D 

And not a moment too soon because with Ivy's death, the household is getting dangerously strapped for cash. 

 One major reason for that is that Anwyn still sucks as a magician. Luckily, she is a much better mom.

 Sarah grew up into a toddler, and the first thing she did was pick her nose. Ladies and gentleman, your heir!

Anwyn is determined to be the best magician she can be, but it's a long, hard slog with tons of failure along the way, a little too close to real life in my opinion, haha. 

It was around this point that I realized, based upon their traits alone, that I should have swapped Anwyn and Logan's careers. 

Anwyn is absent-minded, clumsy, socially awkward, frugal, and a virtuoso. Does a clumsy, socially awkward magician sound destined for fame and success? XD

Meanwhile Logan is charismatic like his mom Ivy, and I'm wondering if that wouldn't have helped him climb the ranks as a magician faster than Anwyn. Ah well, hindsight is 20/20. 

Newspaper Girl: "Wow, cute baby."

Logan: "Childhood is so innocent and fleeting..."

 Oliver decides to check out his sister-in-law's magical moves. And by check out I mean really check out. He's attracted to Anwyn! After this, he kept asking her out on dates all. the. time. See what I mean by I could totally have made this a real, dramatic story?

Oblivious to the drama, Logan focuses on teaching his toddlers their basic life skills. 

Anwyn: "I have a box now! Tada!" 

I will leave you with this picture of Anwyn in her gorgeous magician costume. Though getting her to become a successful magician has been difficult, it's all worth it just for these costumes. Seriously.